Is public transport and cycling the transport solution for Caracas?

Los ciudadanos merecen mejores ciudadades, tenemos derecho a vivir mejor…[Artículo en Inglés]


luiso-in the-metro ciclistaurbanoccs.worpress

Caracas, capital of Venezuela, lies in a narrow mountain valley surrounded by popular areas that define its hillsides. It is a crowded city with a population of more than 5 million, part of which lives in poorly connected barrios. Steep stairs, private jeeps, long walks and more than 4 hours journey are some of the facts inhabitants of these areas of the city have to face in their everyday routine.

Venezuela has the cheapest gasoline on the planet, which is the reason why approximately more than 1 million cars are driving every day in Caracas. As a result of this, the streets of the capital suffer from traffic congestion, pollution and noise. A 5 km trip can take literally hours of patience, where traffic lights, lane demarcations and street signals are completely ignored.

This city needs a cheap and well-connected public transport system outside of the private automobile. People…

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Acerca de Luiso

CicloActivista Urbano de Caracas Co-Fundador de @Bici_Aventuras y @CicloturismoVE Instructor de la @BiciescuelaCCS
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